

The Lake Rotorua Primary Producers Collective is a diverse group of farmers aiming to influence policy and farm practice that enables profitable farming, a prosperous community and a healthy lake.

We're actively engaged with Rotorual land
owners who will be affected by Bay of Plenty Regional Council's proposed nutrient rules.

We'll help keep you up to date with science, policy and practical ways to get involved and take action on-farm.

If you'd like to join us, you are very welcome!

 The Collective welcomes the Environment Court’s interim decision to uphold Plan Change 10 rules for nitrogen allocation for farmers  in the Lake Rotorua catchment. It also identified that additional provisions are needed in relation to Treaty Settlement land and called for further evidence on some technical matters which will be worked through in stage two processes. In his ruling Judge Kirkpatrick noted any environmental model faces some uncertainty, particularly given the questions remaining over Overseer’s predictive ability on nitrogen losses. Time frames have not yet been set for stage two of the Plan Change 10 appeal resolution process. The Court has given direction for the parties involved in the appeals process to work together to resolve outstanding appeal points.