A review of Small Blocks in the Lake Rotorua catchment
A report on Small Blocks has been prepared for BOPRC to assist with the development of the Draft Nitrogen Rules. Here’s a summary of the report findings that were presented at StAG on the 10th November:
- There are about 1,400 Small Blocks (<40 ha) in the Lake Rotorua Catchment.

- The Small Block sector covers 5,634 hectares across the catchment, or 13% of total rural land (41,760 ha) in the catchment.
- Most Small Blocks are less than 4 hectares (1,045, 70% of total Small Blocks) which cover 1,104 hectares, or 18.5% of land in the Small Block sector.
- An estimated 3,200 people or 5.7% of the total catchment population live on Small Blocks.
- Although there are many Small Block land owners, the draft rules generally require modest N reductions. Small Blocks will contribute 4-6% of the total pastoral N reduction required by the draft rules. However, there will be considerable variation depending on individual property circumstances.
For more information, view the full StAG presentation here.