Fed Farmers honour Rotorua farmer Neil Heather for Outstanding Advocacy Award

Fed Farmers honour Rotorua farmer Neil Heather for Outstanding Advocacy Award

Federated Farmers unveiled six winners in its inaugural National Conference Awards this week.

The awards celebrate excellence in agriculture and the contributions made by Federated Farmers’ members to further enhance the primary industry.

Federated Farmers President Dr William Rolleston said those nominated had gone above the call of duty, putting in significant time and energy to serve and advance the entire primary industry.

Taking out the Outstanding Advocacy Award, Neil has developed a positive and collaborative reputation as an influencer and leader with farmers and local councils alike.

“Neil is a tireless advocate for farmers. He makes sure farming has a voice especially when it comes to council policy, regulation and rates,” said Dr Rolleston.

“He’s led the charge for farmers against the proposed rates hikes in Rotorua, literally saving our members thousands of dollars.

“Neil is a smart operator who has even asked to assist the Environment Court with mediations, bridging the gap between governance and farming.”

“Neil’s commitment, passion for farming and sense of community means he’s a real asset to the region.”

Neil’s modesty and strong belief in the value of collaborative teamwork comes through strongly in his acceptance speech.Neil Heather Fed farmers Awards

“I appreciate the recognition in receiving this Outstanding Advocacy Award.  I admit I was a bit surprised when I learned about my nomination.  I am sure that every other nominee for this award was as capable if not more, of winning.  Thank you to everyone that submitted a letter of support in my favour.”

“I have faced several challenges during my involvement with Federated Farmers which has only strengthened me as a person and reminded me that if you truly believe in your principles then you have to advocate for them for all concerned.”

“Like every other province in the country it is always a team effort and without the support of intelligent and inspirational people that I have met and worked with throughout the years of my involvement with Rotorua/Taupo Federated Farmers this award would not have been possible.”

Other award recipients were:

  • Federated Farmers’ Bee Industry Group Chairperson John Hartnell MNZM from Canterbury was awarded the Outstanding Contribution to Federated Farmers
  • For his significance to primary sector education, Manawatu-Rangitikei Provincial President James Stewart took out the Farming Message Award.
  • Taking out the Emerging Advocate Award, Federated Farmers’ North Canterbury Meat & Fibre Chair, Dan Hodgen is a passionate about sheep and beef farming, making sure Feds is visible in the North Canterbury region.
  • Chris Wall has served the Federated Farmers Manawatu/Rangitikei province for more than 41 years and was presented the Provincial Service Award.
  • The Federated Farmers Wanganui province took out the Membership Growth Award with the new provincial president Harry Matthews accepting it on behalf of the province.