Federated Farmers has lodged an Environment Court appeal on the proposed Rotorua District Plan. Gwyn Morgan, the Feds Regional Policy Advisor who prepared the appeal, says “We want to reduce the regulatory burden on farmers, including problems that arise from overly broad and vague District Plan policies. For example, the proposed District Plan strays into water quality issues that are really Regional Council functions”.
You can download the full Feds appeal documents below. The Collective encourages those farmers who made individual submissions on the proposed District Plan to formally support Feds. To do this, you need to submit a “Form 33” (below) by 5pm 9 February to the Environment Court, specifying the parts of Feds’ appeal you support and why, and how it relates to your original submission. The reason this will help is if you are a party to this appeal or other appeals you will be able to attend and participate in Environment Court mediation’s if they arise.
Gwyn is happy to help with this process – contact him on 07 858 0815 or 021 610005 or email gmorgan@fedfarm.org.nz.