A new video series has been launched to help farmers protect water quality. Rotorua farmers, like other farmers throughout New Zealand, are being challenged to reduce nutrient losses from their land, while staying profitable. Excessive nutrient losses from farms and other sources causes water quality problems.
New rules to help protect Lake Rotorua will require most local farmers to substantially reduce nitrogen losses by 2032, with accompanying good management practices to tackle phosphorus losses. To help farmers to meet these nutrient targets, a series of ten 3-5 minute videos has been produced.
In this video series, Rotorua farmers talk about how they applied a particular good management practice or ‘GMP’ on their farm. GMP impacts on nutrient loss, profit and the wider farm system are explained in plain English.
The first video covers the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles and how these nutrients move from the land to water via different pathways. The following eight videos provide practical, proven methods of on-farm practices that can help reduce nutrient losses.
The last video highlights the importance of pulling it all together within a nutrient management plan. Each video is supported with key information that farmers need to consider before adopting a new GMP.
This GMP project was guided by the principle of ‘by farmers for farmers’, with Lake Rotorua Primary Producers Collective members contributing their time and expertise.
Jo Carr from the Collective says “We now have a nutrient good practice toolkit that recognises the great work being done by farmers in our catchment to protect water quality. The videos and support information will help farmers assess what practices might suit their farm.
These videos showcase the willingness of our local farmers to share their experiences with other farmers, not only in Rotorua but across New Zealand. Have a look, and pass on the link to other farmers if you like the videos.”
Ian Tarbotton from Ballance Agri-Nutrients says “We were pleased to support this nutrient good practice project with Rotorua farmers. The core job of our Ballance field staff is to work with farmers on customised nutrient management solutions aligned to their goals, soils and farm system. These GMP videos will help our engagement with farmers”.
This project was funded through the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Low Nitrogen Land Use Fund and Ballance. Landconnect Ltd managed the project with videography by Island Films and technical input from Perrin Ag and AgFirst. See the videos on the Collective’s website www.rotoruafarmers.org.nz/gmp
For more information on the GMP video series, contact Jo Carr on 027 5459213 or Landconnect’s Maggie Hope on 027 5702485.