Bay of Plenty Council Media Release, 19 September 2017
Bay of Plenty Regional Council is encouraging farmers that are ready to move to the next stage of Plan Change 10 to register for a free resource consent. The offer has been available to landowners of properties over 40 hectares in the Rotorua Catchment since 1st July and closes on 30th September which waives the fee estimated at around $1000.
The recently adopted plan change to the Regional Water and Land Plan introduced rules aimed to reduce nitrogen loss on land that then enters the lake. They have been developed with input from Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Programme partners (Rotorua Lakes Council and Te Arawa Lakes Trust), landowners, stakeholders, technical and science experts, and the community through feedback received at public meetings, hui, information sessions.
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Chair Doug Leeder says to date 32 landowners have registered for a free consent.
“A fair majority of the farmers in our catchment have been well aware of the rules for some time. Some of them were instrumental in the development phase and just want to get on with it. Our environment won’t wait, so we want to help them do so.”
Most farms over 40 hectares will need a resource consent. A requirement of the consent is to produce a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) that outlines how they will meet their Nitrogen Discharge Allocation by 2032.
“We will pay for farmers to work with approved independent Land Use Advisors to develop an NMP. We’re offering to help with the paper work required by the rules so they can get on with the real work, managing their farms.”
To find out if the rules affect you, access the funding to develop an NMP and/or register for a free consent contact Regional Council’s Advice and Support Service on (07) 921 3377.