Regional Council update on rules amendment and submission process
Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Regional Council update on rules amendment and submission process

The development of the Lake Rotorua Nutrient Management rules has had input from various stakeholders in the Rotorua community including the Collective. This input has been invaluable to Bay of Plenty Regional Council. The rules are now at a point where they will be open for public submissions on Monday 29th February until Friday 15th April.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council adopted the proposed rules package in December last year with the amendment to change the 4 hectare threshold for permitted activities to 5 hectares. That means that if you have a property that is 5 hectares or less and you do not use it for commercial cropping, commercial horticulture or dairy farming you will not require resource consent. An updated version of the rules, including this amendment will be made available when the rules are notified.

If you want to know what you will need to do under the proposed rules feel free to talk to Bay of Plenty Regional Council staff by phoning the Landowners Advice Line 07 921 3377 or email