Rotorua landowners challenge the proposed District Council rates hike

Rotorua landowners challenge the proposed District Council rates hike

Rotorua farmers and other rural landowners met recently to voice their concerns about the rates increases proposed by Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC).

The four meetings organised by Federated Farmers last week gave around 300 landowners the chance to assess how RLC’s proposed Ten Year Plan and its associated rates increases will affect their farming businesses.  This plan covers 2015 to 2025 and will see annual RLC spending rise by $35 million, a 49% increase from the current $71 million annual budget.  Much of this increased spending is going towards roads, footpaths, sewerage and waste water infrastructure in the urban area.

RLC is also considering changes to the uniform annual general charge (UAGC) portion of the rates bill, which will see a further hike for ratepayers in the rural sector.

Lachlan McKenzie, Rotorua-Taupo Federated Farmers Executive member, says “farmers really need to get engaged with the ten year planning proposal.  It’s going to have a huge impact, not only for us now, but for future generations.  I urge farmers and rural landowners to read the plan, become informed and talk to the councillors.”

“These rates increases could not come at a worse time for farmers who are currently hit with low  dairy payouts.  Council has many tools to moderate the effect of fluctuating valuations but they choose not to use them, thus putting an increasing rates burden on the rural community relative to services received. All ratepayers need to be concerned at RDC’s proposed expenditure as it will be your turn to pay when relative valuations change in the future,” says Lachlan.

As a result of the discontent expressed at the Fed Farmers meetings, Stevie Chadwick, Mayor of the Lakes Rotorua Council, called a further meeting to front-up to the rural community.  Over 200 farmers and land owners attended the meeting at Waiotapu Tavern. Stevie Chadwick promised to take their concerns back to Council.

Submissions on RLC’s Ten Year Plan (2015-2025) closed on Tuesday 2nd June, with many landowners using the submission process to formalise their concerns.  You can view Council’s Ten Year Plan consultation document here. Watch this space!